Choosing between Montessori and Traditional education for your young child's Kindergarten program can be a difficult choice.  

Here are some important points to help with your decision:

  • Montessori Curriculum is based on a three year cycle.
    • Each year in the Montessori environment builds on the last. 
    • The third year is a culmination and integration of all that they have learned.
    • The third year reinforces all of the student’s earlier experiences.
    • First and second years in the classroom prepare for abstract concepts in the third year.

  • The Kindergarten students are leaders in the classroom.
    • Peer teaching in a Montessori classroom is very powerful.
    • These students model appropriate behavior and develop leadership skills that last a lifetime.
    • The MSC Kindergarten curriculum closely aligns with the Common Core State Standards.

  • Montessori prepares for "learning how to learn".
    • Montessori kindergartners are enthusiastic, engaged and independent.
    • Most students have already mastered the skills their new classroom requires.
    • These students are confident learners who adjust quickly and enjoy the challenge of a new school environment.

Dear Primary Parents,

If you have a kindergarten-aged child, this message is for you!  Please read on to learn more about our Montessori kindergarten program, as well as learn more about your options for next year.  I have provided a variety of information through links that explain why Montessori kindergarten is unique.  I have also provided below a Kindergarten Information Packet with the pieces of the kindergarten portfolio containing specific information about our schedule and curriculum. This includes a curriculum alignment with the Common Core state standards in math and language. I am very much looking forward to another exciting year and if you have any questions about your child's eligibility for the kindergarten program at MSC please see Georgie Johnson.


The Importance of Montessori for the Kindergarten Year: 

Kindergarten Montessori: Thoughts and Reflections:

The Three Year Commitment:

Entrepreneurs Start in a Montessori Kindergarten: 

Montessori Kindergarten - Essential and Empowering:  

Hope you are staying healthy and safe!


Georgie Johnson, BA, AMS
Primary/Kindergarten Teacher
The Montessori School of Cheyenne

Montessori kindergarten


Where exploration fosters a love of learning